
Welcome to Intellectual Freak!

Glad you stop by to check out this blog . As in life, you will get some serious, comedic, thoughtful and possibly freaky conversation.



Intellectual Freak is a blog about every day life. My thoughts on anything and every thing. This  is my way of expressing myself to the community at large – the world.

Why is it called Intellectual Freak? Because I like the name. This is a place for intelligent, informed, and smart comments. Also, you can be a freak of nature, freak of intellect or pretty much a freak of anything. You can also be “freaky” if you know what I mean. Hush your mouth!

The thoughts expressed may not always be popular but are truthful – at least my truth. Remember, life should be fun. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Anyway, I hope you read and enjoy!


Socks – the Ultimate Bastards

Socks are bastards. You are feeling good because all of your clothes are in the wash. Then you look at the hamper, and one sock is either sitting in the corner of the hamper or just outside of it. All you can do is look at it with contempt and say, “You Bastard!”

Facts Matter

Joe Biden was a guest on the Stephen Colbert this week and he defended some inaccuracies he has made in some speeches. The incorrect statements have occurred when he recounted some personal interactions with constituents. During the interview with Colbert, Biden said he wasn’t intentionally trying to mislead people and the context of the message …


Send a message or email me. I would love to hear what you think.