Let’s Talk More

Comedian and Saturday Night Live member Pete Davidson recently posted on Instagram he was having severe emotional problems. His post caused many celebrities to post messages of support on Instagram. Posting messages of support is an okay gesture, but as a good friend of mine said why don’t these people call him or visit him. If you are really concerned about his well-being, don’t coward behind a keyboard on your phone or computer – call or visit. Talk to him.

And this goes anyone. If you have a friend who seems distraught, don’t text or post a message on social media. Talk to them directly. Just hearing your voice and knowing that you are concerned might make all the difference.

Social media is useful, but it also has made us a society that doesn’t know how to verbally communicate with one another. I admit I am guilty of texting too much. As the 2019 approaches, I pledge to use my phone to talk more. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Break Away from the Norm

Why do people skate in a circle on a skating rink? Go to an ice rink, and you will find that most of the participants are following the crowd around the arena. It’s rare that someone will dare to skate in any other direction or scheme.

Here’s an idea, breakaway from the norm. Skate up the middle of the rink or zig-zag or skate in a diagonal direction. You may get some odd looks, but you are following your own lead. And by the way, this is an analogy for life.

Following the crowd makes sense in many instances, but you should always be your own person and do your own thang!

TV sex, not exactly real life

Why do a lot of TV shows act as though people have sex with their clothes on? I have watched several programs where the couples are in the after-glow or just finished having sex, and yet they are both wearing clothes. That’s not real life. Yes, I know networks can’t show nudity but let’s not act as though people are getting down in their boxers, panties and night dresses. Stop the madness!

It’s baffling that the networks have no problem depicting violence but weasel out on portraying the most human action. You can tastefully depict the aftermath of sex without showing the most intimate parts of the body.

Regarding sex with your clothes on, unless you have children in the house and are fearful they will catch you in the act, having sex with your clothes on in the privacy of your home seems weird to me. Let your body breathe!

Birthday party for a 1-year-old. Really?

Recently, Kevin Hart and his wife caught flak for having a Cowboys and Indians-themed birthday party for their 1-year-old son. I am not going to get into the politics of the theme of the party. I want to address the issue of having a birthday party for a 1-year-old.

I know it’s a trend to have birthday parties for babies, but – a 1-year-old. Really? The baby doesn’t know crap from crap. The kid doesn’t know what is going on and doesn’t care because –  he/she is ONE! Why don’t parents admit that the child’s birthday is an excuse to throw a party? It’s not for the baby because he or she can’t comprehend what’s happening. All the baby wants is a pacifier, some milk, and at some point a clean diaper. At the end of the day, that’s all the baby cares about and should care about because – he/she is ONE!

Just have a party but don’t sell it as a party for a baby that can’t enjoy it and never will remember it because – he/she is ONE!

I don’t want to sound like a party-pooper, but some things don’t make sense. People like to do what other people are doing – keeping up with the Joneses. Screw the Joneses. Do things that make sense so your child years later doesn’t say, “Why the &#%! did you have a party for me when I was one? That’s some dumb ish.”

Christmas programs in November? Bah Humbug!

When I was a kid, Christmas-themed programs like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer aired in December. A lot of the Christmas shows aired a couple weeks before Christmas. Now, a lot of Christmas-themed programs are coming on right after Thanksgiving. I just saw a promo for Rudolph. It will air the week after Thanksgiving. Really? WTF!

I know our world continues to evolve, but shouldn’t we wait until December to show a Christmas program. Bah Humbug!